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Am Markt 9, 37213 Witzenhausen
05542 – 925 07 99

Cancer prevention

Cancer screening enables the early detection of cancers so that they can be treated in time

A malignant neoplasm in the human body is generally referred to as a cancer or tumor.

Cancer can basically occur anywhere in the body – depending on the individual cancer risk. Depending on the body region or organ, regular check-ups should be performed for early detection of cancer.

Cancer screening – of men from the age of 45 – is used for the early detection of colorectal carcinoma and prostate carcinoma. The following examinations are performed annually:

  • Targeted anamnesis
  • Inspection and palpation of the external genitalia
  • Palpation of the regional lymph nodes
  • Palpation of the prostate and rectal mucosa

Cancer screening – from the age of 50 – is used for early detection of colorectal cancer. The following examinations are performed.

  • Rectal palpation (annually)
  • Stool examination for occult blood (annually from age 50-55).

From the age of 55, you can choose to have a colonoscopy (every 10 years) or a stool examination for occult blood (every 2 years).


Cancer screening enables early detection of cancers so that they can be treated in time